An auto accident can change a person's life in the blink of an eye. Increasing traffic has led to higher car accident rates. A wise driver should trust in a professional attorney to protect his health, finances and well-being.
If involved in a car accident, be careful about statements you make. Collect evidence supporting your case. Go to the hospital to see if you are injured.
Car accidents place many challenging demands on a driver - loss of income, emotional trauma and high medical expenses. An injured driver needs to receive money quickly to forestall bankruptcy while ensuring that future chronic ailments will be covered. Estimating necessary medical expenses can be very difficult, since some aches won't emerge until later in life.
Some states laws allows motorists to drive without insurance if they pay a "uninsured motor vehicle fee". Insurance coverage for "uninsured motorists" helps pay your medical and car repair bills when the other driver has no insurance.
If the other driver was criminally negligent, an experienced lawyer will help you receive adequate compensation for your injuries. Assemble written documentation from the guilty driver to determine liability limits and insurance company responsibility. Even when the guilty driver promises to assume responsibility for the accident, you might still need a lawyer to ensure that he and his insurance company keep their promises.
Some states have "add-on no-fault insurance" [personal injury protection (PIP)] coverage, which attempts to speed up insurance bill payment, before "fault" is assessed in a court of law. A good lawyer can help you navigate this process.
If you were involved in a car accident that resulted in death, trust in a professional lawyer to defend you. He can help you accumulate evidence, interview witnesses and represent you during a trial.